Jessie Finocchiaro

Assistant Professor of Computer Science


245 Beacon St

Office 528D

Hi, I’m Jessie! (Pronouns: she/her; pronounced: Jeh-see Fin-uh-car-oh)

I am looking for a postdoc for Fall 25. Please send me an email if you are interested with a research statement and CV

I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Boston College. Previously, I was a National Science Foundation Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Harvard University, hosted by Dr. Yiling Chen and fellow of the Center for Research on Computation and Society (CRCS). I graduated from the CS Theory group at CU Boulder, working with Dr. Rafael Frongillo. In general, my research interests intersect Theoretical Machine Learning, Algorithmic Game Theory, and Computational Economics. In particular, I am interested in understanding the design and impacts of objective function design in prediction and optimization tasks. Previously, I was a 2019 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow.

I’m happy to chat about careers in research and my experience as a PhD student and postdoc. Please feel free to send me an email with some details about why you’re reaching out.


Feb 28, 2025 Sanket, Milind, and I have a preprint on the relationship between loss function choice and H-calibration on arXiv.
Oct 02, 2024 Rick, Dhamma, Bo, and I had the paper Trading off consistency and dimensionality of convex surrogates for the mode accepted to NeurIPS. Congrats to the students leading this one!
Aug 26, 2024 Our paper from the EAAMO Conversations with Practitioners working group reflecting on a series of conversations with practitioners has been accepted to EAAMO 2024.

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